Home Health Fitness The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 10

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 10


The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of the four-week fitness plan to increase strength! Day 10 is the start of the fourth and final week of this fitness plan, so we’ll follow the same pattern as Day 1, which focuses on the lower body.

If you have followed this entire fitness plan, you’re on your way to a stronger, fitter you. This strength and mobility program has shown you where to begin as well as how to make progressions. Best of all: The workouts can be done from your living room. You need a few small pieces of equipment, but other than that, just keep bringing your commitment to taking your health and fitness habits to a new level.

Over the course of four weeks, this program has guided you through three workouts per week; at the end of this fourth week, you should be rewarded with impressive strength and mobility gains. No matter what “performance” means to you, moving better and with more strength is the bedrock of successful performance. Additionally, better movement supported by necessary strength helps to keep nagging or debilitating injuries at bay.

Day 10 focuses on the lower body, particularly the hips. On the days you don’t have a workout scheduled, you can always add a 15–30-minute walk, bike ride or run/walk once, twice or even three times a week. This is totally optional, of course.

What You Will Need for the Entire Plan:

  • 1 resistance band/tubing with handles and door anchor (resistance level based on what you can use with perfect form)
  • 1 pair of workout sliders
  • 1 mini band (resistance level based on what you can use with perfect form)
  • 1 set of dumbbells,* likely between 15–40 pounds (weight based on what you can use with perfect form).

*It is possible to modify the small number of dumbbell exercises in this program if access to dumbbells isn’t realistic.

How to Follow

Each workout has four exercises and is organized in an “A” set and a “B” set. Begin with the “A” set and alternate between “A1” and “A2” for the designated sets and reps. Once the “A” set is completed, move to the “B” set and complete in the same fashion.

Day 10

Day 10 is lower-body day. This workout will target hip strength and mobility while involving the core. Strong and mobile hips are your ticket to better performance throughout your day and during physical activity. High-functioning hips also serve to fend off back pain and take pressure off your knees.

Dumbbell Band Bench Bridge

Side Plank Clamshell

Figure 4 with Hamstring Extension

Band Deadlift Pull-Through


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