Quiz: What’s the difference between flu and a cold?


.icon-down {}.icon-down:after {display: inline-block;content : ‘ \2193’;font-style: normal;font-weight: 700;}Quiz: What's the difference between flu and a cold?“Image: Jelena Danilovic/Thinkstock

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With so many germs flying about this time of year it can be tricky to figure out what ails you. Take this quiz to test your cold versus flu IQ!Which of the following symptoms is only rarely associated with a cold? stuffy nosesore throatfeverAlthough fever is a common issue with those suffering from the flu, it’s hardly ever present with a cold. 1 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION Who really needs to see a doctor if they have the flu?No one. You’ll get better on your own.Everyone should, just to be safe.It depends on your age and what other illnesses you may have.Most healthy people will recover from the flu on their own inside of two weeks. People with weakened immune systems, chronic conditions or who are pregnant, as well as those under 5 and over 65 should see a physician. 2 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION Are colds and flu both viral illnesses?yesCold and flu are both viral illnesses, but they are caused by very different viruses.noFlu is viral but colds are caused by bacteria. 3 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION When should a person start taking an antiviral medication like Tamiflu?within 48 hours of symptoms showing upwhen someone close is diagnosed with the fluboth of the aboveAntivirals won’t do anything for a cold, but have been shown to reduce duration of the flu by a day or two. It works best when taken within 48 hours of symptom onset, but can still help even after that window. Anti-virals are often prescribed as a preventive measure if a person has been in close contact with someone who has the flu. 4 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION What are the most common side effects of antiviral medications?nausea and vomitingAntiviral medications can do a lot of good, but some people experience significant nausea and vomiting when they take them. See your doctor to find out if your antiviral risk outweighs your reward.headache and feversleepwalking 5 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION How do you treat colds and flu at home?Drink clear liquids and get lots of rest.Run a humidifier and take pain relievers to ease discomfort.both of the aboveTreatment for colds versus flu isn’t all that different. Hydration is ultra-important with both, especially if vomiting and diarrhea are present. So, drink lots of clear fluids and avoid caffeinated beverages, which are diuretics, thus dehydrating. 6 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION When is it safe to go back to work or school after having the flu?after you’ve been fever-free for 24 hours (without using a fever reducing medication)When people contract the flu they usually become contagious 24 to 72 hours later, and remain that way up to five days after onset of symptoms. Never go back to work or school before the 24-hour fever-free window. And that means fever-free without using medication.after you’ve been fever-free for 48 hoursbetter to wait a week of being fever-free 7 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION What’s the best way to prevent both cold and flu?get a flu shotproper hand-washingAlthough the flu vaccine is the best way to prevent flu, it has zero effect on colds. Be sure to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.” In a pinch, use an alcohol-based hand rub.take allergy medications 8 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION How far can a person with the flu spread their germs?up to 2 feet (61 centimeters)up to 6 feet (182 centimeters)The flu spreads when infected people sneeze, cough or talk, spraying droplets far and wide.up to 10 feet (3 meters) 9 || finished)}”>SCROLL TO NEXT QUESTION True or False: Antibiotics can help cure a cold.truefalseAntibiotics work for illnesses caused by bacteria. Colds, as we said earlier, are caused by viruses. So antibiotics are useless against colds. 10 || finished)}”>FINISH QUIZ You Got: /10Jelena Danilovic/Thinkstock


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